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Healthy Meal for Cross-Continent

No one denies that diet in determining health. Habits and eating patterns of various countries could be attractive options to try. Not just to be healthy, but also a culinary taste of another country.

One of the diet of Asians are quite beneficial to health is not put meat as the main menu. Most people use a more Asian vegetables with a little meat as a garnish. Replacement of meat protein source can be obtained from fish and beans, especially soybeans. Rice as the main carbohydrate source also makes people not so fat Asian.

South America
Although the people of Latin America consume more meat than the United States, but rates of heart disease suffered by people tend to be low. The secret, they eat beef, farmed conventionally, ie, left free to eat grass in the field. Thus, the resulting meat has lower fat levels than cows that were locked up and the feed so.

Instead of choosing saturated fats, the Mediterranean replace it with healthy fats from olive oil. Besides used for cooking, most people consume too direct Mediterranean olive oil. Another secret is to eat healthy grapes for dessert.

Add more nuts in your plate. In many African countries, nuts are often the main dish plus their tomatoes or a delicious salad. The result, in addition to not have a problem with weight, the international statistical Africans have the lowest levels in cancer incidence.

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