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WOW, There are 8.96 Millions Unemployment !

Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) in August 2009, the number of open unemployment in the country reached 8.96 million people or about 7.87 percent of the total workforce of 113.83 million people.

"However, the unemployment rate of 7.87 percent is lower than the unemployment rate in August 2008 which reached 8.39 percent," said Minister of Manpower and Transmigration (minister) Muhaimin Iskandar, when he attended the inauguration ceremony in the village of Vocational Salafiyah Kajen , District Margoyoso, Pati regency, Friday (25/12).

According to him, one of the factors causing the occurrence of poverty because of the large number of reproductive age who are unemployed or not working. The cause of unemployment, he said, include many factors. Among them, there is no balance between demand and supply.

"Currently, the amount of supply or employment seekers far greater than the amount of demand or the available job opportunities," he said.

In addition, he added, the lack of fit between job requirements with qualified candidates possess competency labor. "Based on existing facts, organization, job fair, filled only between 20-30 percent," he said. "Termination of employment (FLE) due to the global financial crisis and the rationalization of the company, and do not work well functioning information into the factors causing the emergence of unemployment," he added.

Issues gap between the world of education with industrial working world, he said, the cause of job opportunities that are available are not absorbed with the maximum. "The gap is caused by changes in the structure and requirements of the job market relatively quickly compared with the readiness of the education and training institutions in anticipation of these changes," he said.

To overcome unemployment and poverty, he said, is necessary to create new jobs, open economic access, and empower the poor economically and productively. "The quality and competence of human resources (HR) also needs to be improved. Similarly, job seekers should also be facilitated in order to have access and opportunity to present their potential through formal education and competency-based training," he said.


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